Your local shoe shop since 1925

Our Story

Our business started near 100 years ago in a neighbours front room. My Uncle Will used their window as a display carrying out shoe repairs by the piano!

In turn he paid her rent, as her husband had been killed in the war and with 3 children to bring up, times were hard. But he was a good and sincere man that reflected with the quality of his workmanship and value for money shoes, and that exactly is what we have carried on today.


Since 1925, Sowerbys has offered a friendly, family-run service to customers in our stores and at events such as county shows and equestrian events. However, with the online market becoming increasingly popular over recent years, we hope now to also offer that same friendly and efficient service with great footwear online through our website.

Call anytime: 07976426997

Our Approach

Not quite as laid back as our Labrador Sid was on our stand at the Blenheim Equestrian Show. But, we believe that our mixture of traditional, family service blended into a modern, online shopping experience will provide our customers with a superb opportunity to purchase the correct shoes at the right price. Our team work tirelessly to make the Sowerbys experience the fastest, easiest and most user-friendly it can be, while also maintaining the high standards that we have been known for over decades.

The website has been designed to guide you to the pair of shoes that will be perfect for you through our use of unique headers and easy to navigate pages; and if you still can't find what you're looking for, phone our shop where there will be a friendly and helpful welcome.

Clive Sowerby

Email us: | Call us: 01384 394326
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